Managing flood risk, yesterday and today

Published on 02 March 2009 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

In October 2008 the Loire River Board (EPL) published a study on the place of riverside dwellers in the Loire’s flood management, and the lessons of the past. It proposes to offer training on flood risk to technicians and supervising engineers of local authorities in the Loire basin.

"Quelle place pour les riverains dans la gestion des inondations de la Loire ? Les leçons du passé" (October 2008)

Illustrated with a collection of archive pictures, the EPL publication includes a history of the 1867 programme of work on the Loire and the involvement of the riverside dwellers in the spillway projects of the day.
The study was produced as part of thesis work by Marie Fournier at the University of Tours (CITERES laboratory, UMR 6173 CNRS-University of Tours), co-funded by the Loire-Brittany Water Agency, the Centre Region and the European Union (FEDER) under the Interreg IIIB project "Freude am Fluss" ("Enjoying Rivers": final report available online). The French partners of this project piloted by the University of Nimwegen (Netherlands) are: the Loire-Brittany Water Agency, the city of Nevers, the University of Tours and the Loire River Board.
Download the study from the EPL website  (in English: bilan_faf_en.pdf )

Acquiring flood risk skills

The Loire River Board has commissioned the National Union of Permanent Centres for Environmental Initiatives (UNCPIE), a recognised charity, to develop and implement training on flood risk to technicians and supervising engineers of local authorities in the Loire basin.

Information kit and entry form


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