The Val de Loire – World Heritage site Rendez-vous: 4 April 2006 in Orleans

Published on 01 March 2006 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 18 ans

On 4 April the Conference Centre in Orleans will host the 4th Rendez-vous du Val de Loire, an event that gives key players in the Val de Loire the chance to come together once a year. Held annually until now, the Rendez-vous du Val de Loire will in future take place every eighteen months.

The 2006 event will provide an opportunity to present an inventory of the initiatives, actions and projects carried out by key players in the Val de Loire since it was included on the UNESCO list of World Heritage sites in 2000.
Based on research carried out by an external consultancy firm, participants will be considering an evaluation of the impact of inclusion on the list on the development of the Val de Loire. Themes from the inventory and the evaluation will be tackled during the plenary sessions in the morning and at the end of the afternoon.
Four workshops are also being offered to stakeholders in the Val de Loire who  attend the event:
  • Mobility and territory 
  • Inhabiting world heritage and bringing it to life
  • World heritage and the development of new activities 
  • Technical tools for river corridor management

The Rendez-vous du Val de Loire and the Development Committee


Vue sur le château et son parc, à Châteauneuf-sur-Loire. Licence CC BY-NC-SA Bruno Marmiroli / Mission Val de Loire


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