The Loire and Atlantic trade - 17th-19th centuries

Published on 01 March 2016 - Updated 23 March 2016
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 8 ans

Are Orleans, Tours and Angers "Atlantic" cities? The question might well surprise you. For, while Nantes - the French slave trade capital - owes a good part of its development to the expansion of Atlantic trade in the 17th and 18th centuries – what about the cities and provinces further inland, crossed by the Loire and its tributaries?

This is exactly what the various contributions of this volume are set on finding out, on the one hand by looking at the contributions made by these regions' inhabitants to shaping the Atlantic world and, on the other, by studying the impacts of such growing transatlantic trade on the Loire Valley.   

Atlantic influences are obviously not limited to the coastline and ports, since these are interfaces - i.e. zones in contact with different areas. The Loire – the longest navigable river in France – was thus used as a means of communication, linking up people, goods and ideas. 

Cahier des Anneaux de la Mémoire n°16  

Annexes - Exhibition on the banks of the Loire on Ile de la Tortue 




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© Les Chalandoux du 5e vent


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Un castor dans la Loire tenant une branche dans ses pattes pour contruire le barrage que l on aperçoit derrière lui.
© Étienne Davodeau


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