Children’s exhibits at the Loire Maritime Museum

Published on 03 May 2011 - Updated 17 May 2011
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 13 ans

As part of their class project on the Loire, 8- to 10-year old pupils from Saint-Florent-le-Jeune (45) came to use objects, pictures and stories linked to symbols of the Loire’s bargees, so they could reinterpret them and develop them in their own personal way.

On their return to school, the pupils, during the course of four sessions, made some objects using various techniques: engraving, calligraphy, drawings, modelling… Their work, initiated by their teacher and guided by Luc Rousseau, a scenic installation artist, and Myriam Portal, an educational visual arts adviser, is on display in the museum, together with other objects from the collection: mermaids straight from bargees’ chests, anchors, portraits painted on sails, and maritime scenes. All these constitute a whole miniature world cheek by jowl with the world of grownups. 

This project was carried out thanks to a partnership with the Loire public institution, the Loire-Bretagne water agency, the local council, the Saint-Florent Le Jeune culture and leisure association, the French Ministry of Education and the Loire Maritime Museum at Châteauneuf-sur-Loire. 

On display in the museum: 10 March – End of May 2011 

On the internet: 



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