“Ensemble dans le même bateau!”

Published on 29 March 2013 - Updated 08 April 2013
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 11 ans

“We’re all in the same boat!” With this slogan to the fore, Villebarou, in partnership with the Loire Observatory, has set about the task of building a traditional flat-bottomed toue cabanée updated by addition of a solar roof. The project took off last August at the technical workshop, where you can follow the adventure step by step and chat with its facilitators.

Around 12 metres long and 3.5 metres wide, the boat will be specially adapted to sailing through the heart of Blois. Craft already in use there have a draught of around 30 cm, enabling them to ply the waters even when they are at their lowest. The toue cabanée is a traditional boat mainly used for professional fishing with lift-nets blocking off stretches of the river, and was also a means of human transport in the days of the Loire Navy. 

On the web:



Vue sur le château et son parc, à Châteauneuf-sur-Loire. Licence CC BY-NC-SA Bruno Marmiroli / Mission Val de Loire


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